Often I find that the smaller flowers are in more interesting place. This little daisy was under a wide band of gaillardias and coreopsis. I haven't identified them yet but I like the contrast of the limestone rocks with the greens of the plants.
The Texas thistles were in an empty field fenced off by an assortment of wire some of it being used for what it was intended and others borrowed. Some of the heads had gone to seed while many were in full bloom. 

The hills were alive with golden flowers dotted with horsemint and thistles. I have never seen such a solid swathe of gold before. On the hills in the distance you could see areas of a yellow green which we figured out were actually meadows filled with the golden flowers.
I wonder if the yellow flowers are coreopsis. I've been seeing dense colonies of them in and around Austin.
I think they are. It's a mix of different kinds. I have a photo of them closer up I should post. Some are tickseed.
You could really smell them which was nice. Not sweet but definitely a summer smell.
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